

Focus on creating value for customers and continuously pursue customer satisfaction. At present, there are nearly 10000 users.


Dongguan keda Membrane Technology Co. , Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of membrane switches, operating in the membrane switch, membrane panels, software circuits, silicone keys, rubber, nameplate labels, LED backlight membrane switches, el Cold Light Sheet back light film switch, LGF light guide film switch, optical fiber film switch, capaciti

PET line + film button switch
Film panel - car dashboard
FPC+LED+ film button switch
FPC+LED+ film button switch
FPC+ film button switch
FPC+LED+ film button switch
FPC+LED+ film button switch
FPC + LED + membrane key switch
PMMA lens +3M gum
Capacitive touch type circuit switch
Capacitive touch type circuit switch



It represents the incomparable confidence of reachable film technicians in product quality and unlimited sincerity to customers.

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