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How to store the membrane switch for a long time

2023-02-04 15:32:54

How to store the membrane switch for a long time

Storage method:

1. The transparent film on the front and back of the membrane switch is used to protect the display window of the membrane switch from scratching and tearing;

2. There is a bubble film between the membrane switch and membrane switch, which is used to reduce the key pressure and prevent failure, and should be reserved

3. After taking some out of the original package, it should be bound as it is, not too tight;

membrane switch

4. Products with metal shrapnel and hot embossing need to be boxed and placed vertically to prevent the handle from being invalid due to pressing the button for a long time;

5. The connecting wire of the membrane switch shall be protected and shall not be placed downward;

6. For products with windows or metal shrapnel and thermal bumps, the material shall be prevented from bending under stress, which may leave wrinkles or affect the performance of metal shrapnel. 7 The membrane switch shall be stored in a room with normal temperature, and shall be subject to dustproof and moisture-proof treatment. There shall be no acid, alkaline or other corrosive gases in the surrounding air.

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